Making a Video with the Top Takers app

Why and How?



Why make a video? Because everyone likes video content, and you want to get a point across, right? Ultimately the goal is to reduce the influence of money in politics!

Politicians know about the power of video. And if they see people posting videos about the money they take from special interests, they’re going to get nervous. They don’t want voters to pay attention to that. So perhaps they will dial back on the amount they take. And they should. The video can carry that message loud and clear.

At least, that’s the hope of the Top Takers team. We are trying to give ordinary voters like us a tool that we can all use to communicate directly with politicians running for office. And also with other voters, who hopefully will create and post their own videos, and start a landslide of opinion that can lead to change. (Yes, we know it’s a long shot.)

Lastly, creating and posting a video is fun, it’s something we can do right now, and it may do some good. What’s not to like?


How can you, a voter, use Top Takers to create a video?

First you’ll need to select a state to see its two Senators. That will also bring up a list of Representatives whose districts are in that state.

When you select a name, you progress to a page where you can press the Takings button to begin creating the video. The animation runs for about 90 seconds. Once it’s done you can view the video and share it.

Finally: Share on Social Media

With your video you have a powerful tool for both getting the attention of a candidate’s campaign and motivating your friends and followers to speak up as well.

We hope you will help to get the word out by sharing the video widely on social media!

Thank you from the Top Takers team for using the Top Takers app.